How to clean welding helmet lens? | Proper way of Lens Maintainance

It is a fact that everything gets dirty after sometimes whether it can be anything. Your clothes, shoes, camera, welding machine, or even the welding helmet and its lens. The basic reason behind the helmet’s lens is the dust and dirt while doing daily welding jobs.

Now, it’s a very hot topic that how to clean a welding helmet lens? How can we do this job perfectly?  Don’t worry! We are here to assist you with this topic. Here, another question arises, Is it a difficult or easy job?

How to clean welding helmets lens

The answer to the question is that it’s a pretty simple job. Let me explain it in a few lines before proceeding further. You have to start by detaching the outer lens, the protective lens, and the inside lens. Wash or wipe the lens with some cleaner. Finally, place all the elements back to their previous position.

As you checked, it is a pretty simple job. Still, you have to remember some essential conditions and precautions while cleaning the lenThis article will concisely cover the cleaning methods, cleaning time when to clean the lens, and some important instructions to increase the welding helmet lens’s life span.

All shared data is collected from highly experienced persons and also by our experience. So, let’s get started.

What is meant by a welding lens?

As you know, welding helmets are used to protect your eyes from harmful radiations of welding and spatter. A lens is used to prevent your eyes from radiation, and it also provides you a clean and clear view of the welding job.

All the things are done with a high-quality lens, and that lens is called a welding lens because of the welding process’s usage. Mostly upgraded welding helmets come with an auto-darkening feature.

Reasons behind getting dirty

Most people think why and due to what reasons the welding helmets get dirty? So, there are numerous reasons behind it. The key reason is the welding smoke and spatter. When you perform a welding job, your lens is very close to the welding job.

Welding smoke, flames, and spatter make the helmet lens dirty, and sometimes it reduces visibility.

When should you clean your lens? How to know

It must be your daily practice to clean your welding helmet lens daily to increase its life span. Many people take it as a joke. However, it is necessary and the best way to clean your helmet lens daily because during work, due to sweetening and other things, the helmet’s lens gets scratches also.

After that, the dirt will start to stick on it. We recommend you clean your helmet after each welding job. It will help not to stick the dirt on the helmet. You must keep it in the storage bag or wrap it up to prevent it from getting scratches.

Precautions to prevent your helmet from getting dirty

A storage bag is one of the best ways to protect your helmet. It will help to prevent id from dirt when it is not in use. It will also assist you in not getting extra scratches. Furthermore, try to clean your helmet between jobs.

Additionally, make your working space properly ventilated to prevent getting dirty. Your working space must have a fan; adjust the fan speed as necessary for proper welding. It will keep the welding spatter and smoke away from the helmet.

Keep your arm and body in a correct position to prevent from getting full smoke or spatter.

Methods to Clean a Welding Lens

To clean the helmet completely is necessary, but the most important part of the helmet is the lens. You must focus on the cleanliness of the lens, and it controls our welding visibility. Besides, it is also the most unclean part of the helmet. It is quite easy to clean the helmet if you follow our instructions completely.

Remember, you must have covered the lens with a layer of protection.

By Soft-bristled Brush

The most common method to clean your welding helmet is by using a soft-bristled brush. It is the initial step, it will remove the dust and dirt initially from the helmet. After cleaning by brush, the helmet’s look will give you a good and clean feel than previously.

It will also help you to determine what you should use for cleaning. If you wash your helmet regularly, then only a simple wash with water is enough for cleaning.

If it is dirtier, you will have to use some special dirt removal solution to avoid dirt. Keep in mind, whatever you are using, spray it on the lens directly and wipe it via a soft piece of cloth. If you do not care about these things, the lens can be damaged.

Now another question is, how to determine which type of solution should we use? The answer is simple and easy. Read the helmet’s instruction manual and choose the best one. If you are using some of the most emerging brands, the manual will mention the specialized process.

Do not forget to remove the batteries and then place them again in their place. If your helmet has more than one layer of lenses, you need to clean each layer separately.

Eventually, you also have to check the moisture in the lens. If extra moisture is found, clean it with a soft and dry towel before placing the lens and other elements in their places.

Related Guide: Best Cheap Welding Helmets

A few common solutions for lens cleaning

Following are a few solutions that are better at lens cleaning:

Windex solution

Windex solution is used for glass cleaning. Lenses are also made up of glass. Use the Windex solution to clean the helmet’s lens. If the dirt is less, it will clean the lenses.

Dish Washer or a Soap

If you have nothing to clean, you can use the dishwasher or available soap. Both will work well to remove dirt if there is less amount of dirt stuck with the lenses and helmet.  Additionally, use hot water to boost the cleaning process and clean the lens better than normal.

Things to prevent

There are some precautions that you must avoid while cleaning the helmet or lens. Otherwise, the lens can be broken or can get more scratches.

  1. Do not use Scrub Brush.

If you use a scrub brush, it will make more scratches on the lens. You must use any soft-bristled brush to avoid scratches and to get better cleaning. Apply only that amount of force that is necessary for cleaning; otherwise, it can break the lens even if you are using a soft brush.

  1. Avoid Strokes and Jerks

While ceiling, avoid big strokes or jerks. Otherwise, it can break your helmet. Clean your helmet with a small amount of force and small jerks to prevent scratches and damage.


As you have noticed that it is pretty easy and quick to clean your welding lens as long as you follow the mentioned step accurately. If you follow, we bet it will not be hard to maintain your welding lens.

Instead, if you are still stuck somewhere and don’t know what to do. Share your problem with us, we will provide you a useful guide. See you with the next guide.

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